Betty, Melissa, Maggie, Patsy & Saffy, Gerty, & Bonnie

We have precious rescue cats all would have died had they not been given shelter, treatment and love and affection. Some have been here for 8 months, a few are disabled, all are in perfect health adorable with unique character’s, waiting for their very own humans. Last few weeks the sheer number of messages for help have left us burnt out and unable to cope.

Please help we cannot take them in if we cannot get them out!

As always, all are vaccinated, microchipped, treated for parasites, injury, infections or any diseases, they are neutered if old enough and can travel anywhere in Europe & the UK.

If you cannot foster or adopt then donations are just as vital, we have a shortfall of £2000 yes, we did say £2000 typical by this time of year charity is not free.

To the lovely cat people who keep us afloat (you know who you are) however large or small it’s always appreciated.

Here they are share with friends and family to find space for just one…

  • Betty
  • Melissa
  • Saffy & Patsy
  • Bonnie
  • Maggie
  • Saffy & Patsy with Mum

Food Appeal

Huge thanks yet again to our amazing team & animal welfare colleagues for their enormous effort resulting in Chloe, Noah & Nimue reaching the UK yesterday! It took us eight months, three vets, a vet nurse, numerous volunteers, their lovely foster parents & Tracee`s fabulous team.

Meanwhile our hearts break coping with our sad bin cats dying on the streets from the winter cold. Thanks to Heather, who took this poor chap for emergency treatment Friday which sadly resulted in letting him go.

We have €157 left in the bank, no funds left to buy the 400 kg of food for such starving creatures & were waiting with trepidation & exhaustion on the kitten season about to hit.

Look at these pictures it’s distressing but real for us anything however small keeps us going.

Your all amazing

We’re closed until our little ones move out, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Currently we are closed to the public while we care for these 6 adorable kittens (+5 fosters and one adult). They are all healthy, microchipped, vaccinated, parasite treated, and never put down. They are also super affectionate and will make great companions.


  • 18 month old female
  • Slinky coat
  • Very vocal with a loving nature
  • Neutered & exceptionally clean
  • Desperate for affection

Luna with her twin brothers

  • 8 weeks old
  • Female
  • Perfectly relaxed composure
  • Very affectionate
  • Litter trained


  • 12 weeks old, male Tabby
  • Found abandoned fitting from meningitis
  • Initially blind, but now sees
  • Clumsy like a special needs child
  • Wants constant love and attention
  • Eats messily
  • Has an imaginary friend
  • Loves other cats and humans
  • Perfectly healthy
  • Should live a normal lifespan
  • Litter trained


  • Approx. 10 weeks old male
  • Found alone dying from cat flu on the streets
  • Both eyes are scarred from infection
  • Can see, but cannot focus
  • Bumps into things
  • Needs a secure garden
  • Talks all the time
  • Adores his humans
  • Cuddly and needy
  • Litter trained
  • Beautiful coat
  • Fluffy!


  • Abandoned
  • Starving to death
  • Older than she looks
  • Needs lots of TLC, yummy food, and treatment for parasites
  • Craves company and cuddles
  • Very vocal

All kittens can travel anywhere in Europe and the UK. We can assist in some cases with travel costs.

If you are interested in adopting one of these kittens, please contact us via email or phone. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you find the perfect match for your family.

Thank you for your support!

Appeal for food

Apologies for the distressing images but how better to explain the utter trauma, despair and frustration felt by our vets & volunteers faced with having to deal with this hideous animal abuse. Politicians look away, the police can do nothing as local witnesses disappear intimidated & fearful for their own animals if they speak out.

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