Food Appeal

Huge thanks yet again to our amazing team & animal welfare colleagues for their enormous effort resulting in Chloe, Noah & Nimue reaching the UK yesterday! It took us eight months, three vets, a vet nurse, numerous volunteers, their lovely foster parents & Tracee`s fabulous team.

Meanwhile our hearts break coping with our sad bin cats dying on the streets from the winter cold. Thanks to Heather, who took this poor chap for emergency treatment Friday which sadly resulted in letting him go.

We have €157 left in the bank, no funds left to buy the 400 kg of food for such starving creatures & were waiting with trepidation & exhaustion on the kitten season about to hit.

Look at these pictures it’s distressing but real for us anything however small keeps us going.

Your all amazing

BEWARE, KALYVES poisoned meatballs all over the town

Dogs and cats found dead. If you find dead animals photograph them and please inform Vrysses police station 28250 51205.

DO NOT induce vomiting in cats or use the drug FILTARON used for dogs it can cause cats to stop breathing. Your veterinarian may use it but it’s not safe outside of veterinary care.

for information on poisoning