Neutering & food for the strays

Hi everyone, we hope to neuter again in November (no dates as yet) the Dimos have kindly been completing essential renovations and repairs to the clinic. Apologies to anyone who we missed with the cancellation messages, our team did their very best to reach you all. Next session anyone who was cancelled will get priority on the new list.

Please keep your loaned equipment but do not lend it out! If it gets lost you will have to replace it! Meanwhile the generosity of cat lovers all over has allowed us to buy dry cat food again for the strays. If you are feeding a colony (this food is for stray cats only) and struggling to afford it please contact us with the following: How many cats you feed and location, your name, address and telephone number

Bin cats beaten to death in Kokkino Chorio

Please watch your cat colonies and cats in this area, we have an animal abuser using a blunt object beating cats to death with blows to the head.

Last night two adults and a kitten from a much loved colony were beaten to death last night, the rest of the bin cats are clearly distressed and afraid. Another was missing and has just been taken to the vet, having been beaten lower down on its body (20/10/16) seen by vet and found to have been in a catfight, not beaten).

The Mayors office & the police are now involved, the dedicated carer has for many years watched over and cared for these village cats & she is willing to give them a formal statement.

Please donate via PayPal

This was a brutal calculated attack on defenceless beings, whoever it is should be treated with caution.

Please circulate this information locally despite little chance of prosecution the culprit must know we are not intimated and the Dimos will prosecute.

Aptera Cat Colony

We are staying in Aptera Appartments and have met the lady who takes care of the cats. She does an awesome job yet could use some help of the (MANY) tourists who spent their holidays in Aptera. Please help this lady by either donating catfood (leave it in the house on the square where tha cats are staying, it’s the house in the curve with the old fence, see the pictures at the catcolony site).

In general the Greek do not take care of their cat and we all know that we could spare a little money for this great cat program or help this sweet generous lady with some cat food!

Know that you don’t help the cat reproduce themselves ( the cat program takes care of sterilising the cats!!) but you help the cats who are already alive have a little bit better life…..which is a great holiday thought…..right?

Love, Nicole & Pier from Holland Rotterdam
September 2012

Update on the Aptera colony

Hair/skin samples sent for analysis showed mites causing mange

Injected the colony twice with Ivermectin to treat mange/ear mites

Purchased environmental pesticide so the rooms & barn they live in which where infested with parasites could be fumigated
Treated approx. 35 with Frontline spot on (those we could catch!) over 2 months for those suffering flea allergy
15 sent for Veterinary treatment & neutered funded by Arche Noah, our thanks to them
Three sent for veterinary care to our very supportive Greek vet with serious eye/skin infections which are now healed
Provide food every month to assist their Greek carer to feed them & vitamin supplements added to their water
They now look & must feel so much better with no pregnant ones so far a few entire males left to catch & neuter
The threat of poisoning seems to have been withdrawn since our assistance managing this colony

Our last goal is to treat them all for internal parasites particularly (tapeworm in particular) but with the rescue kittens/cats we are taking in this year we cannot find the funds to buy such huge quantities (Profender/Drontal or Stronghold) can anyone help in providing any?
If so please donate via the donate button or contact us.

Many thanks to those of you who have donated so far enabling us to treat & protect this colony