A New Year Begins

greek translation follows & printable version in pdf format

The Greek world of animal rescue has been turned on its head by the new law passed last year, Animal Welfare law 4830/2021.

It is a disaster in our opinion, facilitating a witch hunt by the Greek Vet Association aided by self-serving people profiting from stray animal municipality contracts.

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Percy, Ginny & Arthur

Needing homes they are 7-8 weeks of age (DOB @21/3/21), we have 2 out of 5 left to rehome!

from left to right Percy, Ginny and Arthur

Percy piggy is adorable what can we say more
Ginny is clever & wise
Arthur is a worrywart always wanting cuddles! now adopted
we are now up & running getting them to UK
Vaccinated, microchipped, passports & neutered when old enough
No kittens were drunk….
The food is on its way, Easter delayed delivery
Thank you all who were generous enough to help our strays


We need sponsors/adopter for our new arrival Dotty kitten! Dotty was found dying by the roadside her left eye hanging out. Still too small to operate on (8 weeks of age) meanwhile she is being treated for infection, parasite treated, bathed & fattened up! As usual she will be vaccinated, passported/microchipped, her eye will be removed.

Disturbing image follows

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Hi Everyone, our furry ones are asking for your help again any way you can!

This little tabby boy hit by a car pushed his back leg out of the hip socket, his tummy and bits are black and blue he was in agony. Volunteers caught him took him to our vet, she pushed his leg back in and treated the injuries. Sadly he has developed swelling of the brain and is on steroids and fluids overnight tomorrow he will have Mannitol intravenously to try to reduce the brain swelling.

Continue reading “Appeal”