Category: Sick & injured
Yes we’re closed!
How could we say no to brain damaged Wobbly William! He has cerebellar hyperplasia it’s not treatable and he will always be special needs but will walk better as he grows and his muscles strengthen.
Vocal, adorable cuddly & despite his disability he can run!
Can anyone give William lots of love and cuddles he is great fun.
Despair & Hope
This was our holiday weekend; nursing yet another dying cat, people walked past for weeks maybe months happy to order gyros whilst he slowly & painfully died of infection, are people blind or do they just not care?

Appeal for food
Apologies for the distressing images but how better to explain the utter trauma, despair and frustration felt by our vets & volunteers faced with having to deal with this hideous animal abuse. Politicians look away, the police can do nothing as local witnesses disappear intimidated & fearful for their own animals if they speak out.
Robin September 2021 Kokkino Chorio: Pellets lodged deep in the brain & spine, survived blind with neurological deficits walking & epilepsy now adopted in UK Robins xray Amy September 2022 Vamos: Large pellet lodged top of leg, shoulder joint destroyed leg amputated. Waiting for adoption Amy’s xray Amy’s amputated leg Stray kitten shot October 2022 Kokkino Chorio: Found dragging itself across the floor, spine snapped paralysed from that point down, maggot infested wounds sadly euthanised.
an update

Now in the UK safe from abuse after months of vet care/nursing/foster care were thrilled to say he is idolized & adored by his adopter. Thanks to all of you who helped us rescue this darling boy.
Continue reading “an update”A HUGE THANK YOU !!
So many people to thank for the Jaws for Paws team raising a staggering €2,500
From the taverna owner and staff at Koumos to the bands who played for free and your amazing team not forgetting the generosity of those who donated to our stray cats.