We still have these gorgeous kittens from last years rescue now about 5 months of age who need a home, can anyone give them the stability and love they need.

Abandoned on a roadside emaciated, pneumonia from cat flu anaemic from parasites they where 12 weeks of age.
Rosie is a dainty lap cat all she wants is constant affection and cuddles she cradles into you and purrs a gentle little creature.
Her right eye had a corneal ulcer now healed the eye infection scarred her pupil but she can see fine & can be an outdoor cat. Her coat is a glorious tortoiseshell colour, soft and shiny now.
More affected than his sister he took a while to trust humans now talks and purrs he loves cuddles but is shy. Beautiful tabby markings with long legs he may be a big boy when fully grown.
All our kittens are treated for infections/illness, vaccinated, neutered, and can have passports.
If you can adopt from anywhere in Europe please contact us.