Raggy enjoys the sessions particularly the Royal Canin Mobility biccies! He has shown a good response, his remaining hind leg being increasingly sensitive and he is using it more.

25 April 2015 Many people are asking about Ragnar & his progress this lucky boy is going to Hanover!
Many people are asking about Ragnar & his progress this lucky boy is going to Hanover!
His wonderful adopters have a ready made harem two girls both of which suffered abuse and lost a leg. The adopters are comfortable with disabled cats and have an enclosed garden where he will be safe.
He can stand, the wound has healed he uses his litter trays but it will be sometime before he regains full use of his remaining back leg. The lazy boy has worked out he can run faster by using his powerful front legs on the tiles to get along!
5th April 2015
Ragnar was found by colleagues in the streets of Chania dragging his back legs along the road. Partially paralysed on the right side worse on the left X-Rays showed the lower lumbar spine had been slightly compressed from a blow to the spine. Everyone agreed we had to give this handsome boy a chance we were asked to nurse him, 6 weeks of cage rest no jumping, anti inflammatory medication, physio and heat.
Gradually his tail moved, he regained control of his bladder/bowel using his litter trays. The right leg improved he was standing & walking but the left leg remained paralysed with muscle wasting, stiffness his paw bent backwards hindering movement tripping him up.
Another 2 weeks later we had to make the difficult decision do we euthanize him as clearly he would never walk normally. Ragnar obviously longed to be back outside which would not be safe for him now he would not be able to run free as he did before.
The alternative was to amputate the useless limb hoping his left back leg would continue to improve taking his full weight allowing him to have a good quality of life all be it restricted to indoors or outside pens.The risk would be putting him through such traumatic surgery only to have to euthanize him if his remaining leg did not take his weight.
This week we went ahead amputated his left leg, neutered & micro chipped him ready for his passport. To our delight & relief he is coping much better his walking & standing is stable the wound is healing well.
It will take many months for him to recover fully but we are now confident enough he will do well to ask for an adopter who can give him a safe secure home.
Ragnar needs to be an indoor cat with access to watching the outside world a pen outside would be kinder for him. He is a typical Greek boy with the most gorgeous green eyes, wants his own way, talks all the time, likes head rubs but not really a lap cat, he eats everything he owns you!
He does seem to be very sociable interested in other cats he likes his girls but he would need to be the dominant male.
If you can offer this handsome boy a home here or in the UK please contact us if you cannot help re home Ragnar donations would be appreciated towards his travel fees go to the paypal link.