We have 3 abuse cases we have treated & made well with the help of our vet, donations & great foster carers. These lucky ones have been either adopted or sponsored by generous donors & their flights paid to the UK.
So far Bonzo, Felix & Pasca are booked in for the second week of August.

In cargo we can send 5 animals per ticket unaccompanied & we have 2 places spare, it would be a shame to leave them empty as we have 15 waiting to go to Woodland Nook Cat Sanctuary for re homing in the UK.
Bumble: We would like to send him he has been with us for almost 5 months, his pelvis has healed & he is jumping around his cage desperate to get out & stretch his paws.
Affectionate & loving he was so badly abused we think maybe he was struck with a heavy object or kicked breaking his pelvis in two, he is very deserving of a loving home.
Huggy the kitten: Next on the list to go & growing fast he & his siblings came to us at 7 days of age from the Chania team after his mother was run over.
Covered in parasites & starving they had to be bottle fed for three weeks by us & a team of volunteers. We lost one little one but Huggy & the others are now thriving. He already has a home in the UK waiting for him, please help give him a new start.
We are appealing for donations to reach the £285 per cat fee to fill this flight. Donors have come forward already offering to help, any sum you can afford however small is appreciated.
Bella: Very lucky girl has been re homed this afternoon & is now lying on a lie low in her parents pool sipping a kitty piña colada! We are thankful for such human devotion to felines.