Please help Arche Noah maintain their Food Bridge project

Dear friends of animals,

With the following I would like to address all those who have the project “food bridge” at heart.

The Food Bridge:

In the framework of the project “Food Bridge” initiated by Noah’s Ark Society large amounts of donated pet food, material and animal transport boxes, which are so very important for our Greek animal welfare associations, have been sent per container appr. 4 times a year from Germany to Crete.

To stop this project would be quite inconceivable –  and yet it is on the brink of failure. Since the retreat of one of the main supporters of the project, its future is totally unclear.

Without the support we have had so far the project can no longer be sustained in its former size due to lack of funding. In co-operation with Noah’s Ark we have to find solutions to keep it going.

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A Tail of Three Tabies

We stopped on the way to Vrisses at an area to see some wild orchids that we knew grew on a piece of wasteland. Up a track appeared 3 kittens, we thought what a strange area for them to be in as there was nothing around & we concluded they had been abandoned.

They were very friendly & luckily we always carry cat biscuits in the car, we thought we could feed them but they did not have a clue about eating cat biscuits.

The 2 little boys we continued to visit and feed.  However we noticed over time that the tabby boy was not eating properly and he remained thin. He was desperate for fuss & petting, it was hard to leave them there alone.

We were very concerned as the 2 youngest looked thin and not in a good condition, we promised to come back the next day with some wet food. The next day only 2 were there but they were really pleased to see us and gorged as much as they possibly could. We stayed for a while and looked for the 3rd kitten, discovering then she was more timid because her front paw was completely missing, she was hobbling on 3 legs.Something had to be done the with the little female kitten & sadly the leg required amputation.

We contacted The Cats Pyjamas Rescue, Apokoronas who immediately offered their help. After a health check & parasite treatments they have fostered them for neutering , TLC & hopefully loving homes.

We were so elated that they did not have to return to an area of no hope. Our Greek friend Stella said she would take them to stay on her farm & it was decided the bigger of the 2 boys would be fine but his brother the little tabby would be too vulnerable as he loved human company so much. He has boundless love and affection to give.

Bumble in need

Bumble Update 08/03/13
The poor boy on his left side has a fractured pelvis broken in three places but the hip joint is intact with a large haematoma over the groin area no apparent nerve damage.  Our vet sought a second opinion with a an orthopaedic colleague in Athens after sedation this is what we did for him:

  • Stabilised the pelvis by bandaging, he will need cage rest for a month then another month to recover.
  • To avoid another anaesthetic he was castrated he is young approx. 1-2 years.
  • Ivermectin injection for ear mites & internal parasites.
  • Antibiotic injection to prevent infection.
  • Meloxicam oral 7 more days for pain & inflammation.
  • He already had Drontal & frontline for tapeworm & fleas.
  • He had a yummy tuna supper & is now tucked up warm in his basket on the heated floor

Bumble says a big thank you to those who have already donated towards his veterinary bills

Continue reading “Bumble in need”

Rewarded: the young students who adopted two stray puppies abandoned in their playground

These sad & bedraggled little orphans arrived from Chania pet rescue yesterday for bottle feeding their mother & one sibling had died.

The remaining 4 (2 girls & 2 boys we think!) after 3 hourly feeds all night are still alive & kicking, we are hopeful they will now make it.

They will be vaccinated, healthy & socialised by the time they are ready to leave us at 8 weeks, we will assist in neutering.

First kittens arrive

These sad & bedraggled little orphans arrived from Chania pet rescue yesterday for bottle feeding their mother & one sibling had died.

The remaining 4 (2 girls & 2 boys we think!) after 3 hourly feeds all night are still alive & kicking, we are hopeful they will now make it.

They will be vaccinated, healthy & socialised by the time they are ready to leave us at 8 weeks, we will assist in neutering.

Vincent from Vamos

Thursday 21st February

Vincent before going home

Update: Vincent has now been released back to the wild and seemed more than happy running down the path he knows well & straight into the olive grove back to his mates!.

Treatment included:

  • leg & abdominal wound cleaning & suturing
  • giardia treatment*
  • sample analysis for internal parasites
  • fleaded & wormed
  • neutered & undescended testicle removed

Many thanks to those who rescued Vincent from the car engine, this was a team effort

Continue reading “Vincent from Vamos”