Desperately sad approx. 8 weeks of age all contracted cat flu, between 4 of them we have one good eye…. With care they can go outside into fenced off gardens, patios, or indoor cats perfect for flats.
All will be healthy and fit surgery completed if eyes require it, vaccinated, microchipped with passports in a few months.Harley & Marley ginger and tabby brothers both vocal and love tummy rubs being blind is not stopping the footie!
Fifi Mimi Niko adopted on Crete Nobbin has an adopter in UK Marley Harley Harley Fifi Marley Mimi, left to right, top to bottom
Mimi Tortie girl is mischievous and full of fun, very affectionate & pretty don’t let her eyes put you off now they will be operated on when old enough.
Fifi is her tabby sister who loves to play but still likes cuddles.
Nikos another bottle fed orphan, gorgeous red boy adorable nature around 4 weeks of age very healthy and adopted on Crete.
Nobbin 2-3 weeks of age is a bottle feeding monster very very vocal! Very healthy but he has white ears and white body not safe here due to sun damage, has an adopter in the UK.

Many of you messaged us about the ginger boy in Plaka with his damaged leg, we have him undergoing a month of antibiotic treatments trying to avoid amputation of his front leg (bone infection). Here he is after weeks of Heather and Bev trying to catch him in extreme heat, well done ladies! Released in Plaka

A huge thank you for the stunning response & moral support from everyone around the world, it’s been overwhelming. Meanwhile please lobby the Mayor to allow cat neutering to be run by our volunteers, adopt a kitten if you can or contribute to the cause it’s not over yet we will not go quietly!