Successive meeting were held today (16-04-13) between our Association, the Municipality of Chania and the Municipality Police of Chania, as well as the Public Prosecutors of Judges of Appeal and the Police Directorate of Chania, within the framework of our effort for the correct implementation of law 4039/2012, which refers to the protection of the stray and non-stray accompanying animals, as well as the obligations of the their proprietors towards them.

More specifically, at the Municipality of the city a meeting took place in the morning with Mr. Manousos Manousakis, responsible Vice Mayor of the Municipality Police, Mrs. Stella Christinaki responsible for the stray animals of the Municipality, Mr. Nick Bobolakis, responsible for the Municipality Police and municipality policemen.
The meeting took place within the framework of the common effort of the Municipality, the Municipality Police and our Association to inform the citizens as concerns the animal issues, the distribution of relative pamphlet edited by the Municipality as concerns our responsibilities towards the animals and our fellow citizens
Following, another meeting took place with Mrs. Chrysogianni, Vice Public Prosecutor of Judges of Appeal of Western Crete, whom we would like to thank publicly for her immense contribution to our struggle against the animal violence and with Mr. Koutsaftakis, Head of the Police Directorate of Chania, as well as with other Police authorities.
On behalf of the Public Prosecutor and on the occasion of the circular that the Public Prosecution of the Supreme Court of Appeal edited after the relative demand of our federation, there was a report on the moral and legal obligation we have towards all living species of our planet as well as the responsibilities originating from the law as concerns the actions of the police authorities in case of animals maltreatments. The issue of the “Barrel-Dogs”, the known pestilence and the main reason of defamation of our island and country, was mentioned as well.
The Public Prosecutor emphasized the cases of pathetic animal maltreatment, which are criminal according to law 4039/12. Examples mentioned were the absence of shelter for the animals, the permanent chained dogs, the absence of exercise through the daily walks, the absence or unsuitability of food and water, the absence of health treatment. The necessity of feeding and watering of the stray animals by the citizens was also mentioned.
The Head of the Police Directorate of Chania Mr. Koutsaftakis declared that Police will do whatever needed to improve the situation in Crete and that the law will be of course applied. He also mentioned the necessity of informing the policemen about all sides of the law, as concerns the animals, so that this law will be applied successfully.
From our point of view the necessity of a systematic information of all citizens, children and authorities was emphasized, so that our attitude towards animals can change progressively but on the other hand the necessity of punishment in case of non-conformance to the law was also expressed.
We, being the Animals Welfare Association “The Protection of Animals” as well as the Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation, are trying to contribute as much as we can to the deletion of phenomena, which do not honor us, as Greeks and human beings, but on this issue the State should have the main role and not the simple citizens and volunteers
Anastasia Bobolaki,
President of: