An update on the situation of the dog shelter at Kaina & the councils obligations for animal welfare

Another 20 dogs have been poisoned

On 10 June a meeting was held with the Deputy Prosecutor of Appeal, Crete & Mrs  E. Chrysogianni regarding the animal shelter at Kaina
The meeting, held on a proposal of councillor Mrs. E. Terezakis also present was Deputy Mayor Mr.Nikolouzakis, Mrs Linda Lucas and a recorder.
The situation was analysed from many different perspectives. The prosecutor praised strongly all the effort of Ms Lucas and thanked her for trying to help the animals in the country against so many different adversities. It was conceded that there are always weaknesses, in any volunteer effort, but stressed that the Municipality should support the effort especially as so far the municipality has not done anything for strays, as required by law. The culture toward other creatures of nature was particularly stressed.
It was discussed that everyone loves animals, but only when they are away from our homes!
The Deputy Mayor was asked what he has done, or what programs have been put in place by the municipality for the animals of the region, but plans and proposals did not exist, only that the animals should leave Kaina.
It was stressed that the proposal, which had received the most support from of the Council, i.e. for all the animals to be removed to another shelter or sent abroad, was impossible, impractical and contrary to the law, the proposal of councillor Mrs Terezakis was agreed as feasible and realistic.

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Not all cats need rescuing…

A tourists perspective on Cretan felines…

‘Today, our last day in Crete, we went by Ammos hotel (in tears) to say goodbye to “our” kitty. We saw her eating a pile of food! It turns out her owner lives next to the hotel. She was out on her terrace when we drove up. She feeds her ten cats. She also has a dog. “Our” cat is missing her front leg because she was in an accident. Her nice responsible owner took her to the vet. As Cats Pyjamas suspected, her missing shoulder resulted from veterinary surgery. So she is a safe, loved cat! We are so relieved that we failed to catch her and take her away from her owner! And brothers and sisters!

We also had luck finding Dr Eleni Maroulaki (sp.) and gave her the cat carrier, litter box, and litter that we had bought.

So altogether a lucky day.

Thank you for all your help and your wonderful work.


CP and KK from the Chania airport’