Approximately 50 cats are being fed by a local Greek lady who has become overwhelmed by their needs. We are providing food every month, veterinary care and a neutering program also supported by volunteers and her neighbours.
The cats are suffering from server fungal disease and skin infections, we have paid for our vet to take skin samples for testing. To regain their health this colony will need fungicide treatment, many have severe flea allergy and are riddled with parasites
Month: March 2012
Attorney for the protection of animals for the first time in Greece
Attorney responsible for the protection of stray animals and was first defined, by order of the head of the Athens First Instance Court Prosecutor, pursuant to recent law passed by the government. The responsibility was assigned to Prosecutor Angelopopoulou Constantina, which has oversight of cases of abuse, poisoning or torturing animals and other violations of the rules. news source: adespoto