The fantastic Jaws for Paws Team and the hard work of the Takis taverna staff used the celebration of St Patricks Day to raise €1000 for our cats! Thanks to all of you who donated, due to your generosity we have been able to send €200 to aid the cats of Ukraine as well.

The fantastic Jaws for Paws team are again helping our rescue cats by organising two fun social events! A big thankyou from the furries to the bands volunteering their talents for free!
We hope you all enjoy yourselves whilst raising funds for us & wish we could join you all but having evaded COVID all this time were now in isolation suffering from it!
We have been watching the tragic plight of Ukrainian refugees seeing the love & sheer determination to bring their pets with them or stay with them in a war zone & would like to donate 10% of the total raised by you to an animal welfare organisation assisting on the ground.
Meanwhile, despite the court case & ongoing local intimidation we carry on here for our felines as always, please watch out for kittens abandoned in bags, bins & boxes.
Finally, our gorgeous kitten Robin despite his life-changing injuries has an adopter! He will travel to his new home in May, all of us are thrilled he has found his human at last.