Willow is approx 4 years of age found by the roadside having seizures, we are certain she was struck on the head causing cerebellar injury. X Rays showed no new breaks but that she had probably been run over by a car in the past (healed fractures of tail/femur/pelvis)
We have no access to diagnostic scans such as CT/MRI the brain injury has been diagnosed by examination only. Manitol and steroids initially for 3 weeks nothing other than parasite treatments since, she has had limited physiotherapy we do not access to hydro or specialist care.
Willow has made incredible progress she can now stand on all four legs and walks despite losing her balance as she still falls over, uses newspapers or the garden area for toileting (we cannot get a litter tray she can use as she falls out of it!). In the garden every day when the weather is good she loves being around us and her care is minimal (the occasional hot flannel on bits she finds difficult to reach) her will to live and determination to move again is humbling.
Willow is a lap cat obviously she must have been an indoor cat at some point but is a very independent spirit! We cannot keep her as she does not like other cats and will not tolerate them although we have got her to sit in the same room as ours now. Due to this we cannot have her indoors with us permanently when the winter comes we have nowhere for her to go, our own cats have learned to move fast when she is around!
We have had 3 vets assess her all say she is continuing to make further progress and should have a normal lifespan can any of you help her or find an organisation with better resources than ours?